Can i access to multiple outlook mail users at once

can i access to multiple outlook mail users at once to read all the messages from different mails. Outlook as well as gmail.

I don’t think you would be able to access all the outlook accounts at once in single activity. However you can loop through every account that you have.
For example create a list or array to store all the accounts that you have
Loop through all the accounts and read email separately.

I can only able to access my account if it’s already been logged in the outlook application and if i’m not mentioning my account name in the Input account field. In that case, how can I access to the whole list of emails without entering those passwords and not having been logged in my system

Even if i did add my own outlook mail which is being logged into my system, i’m getting the following error

You would need to add those accounts in outlook first in order to access it.

Oh that’s simple and common sense. how can i achieve the next mentioned error

Goto File → Account Setting and use the exact same name that is available there and see if that helps.

the same i’ve posted there. didn’t help