I have a webpage, which has hyperlinks of few excel files. The link contains the name of the file. The initial part of the filename is same for all links but at the end they are appended with the Date value.
So how do i get the topmost (recent) link to click
Eg: Summary-Report March 22 2022-03-22 12_10.xlsx
Summary-Report March 22 2022-03-19 12_12.xlsx
Sorry i cannot attach the page due to privacy reasons. But there is a small column on the left side where the links are listed one below the other. its a web page. not in the table format
But i can share a pic which looks similar kind
The one i have marked in a box. My data is similar to that. Just that the links contain file names
@shilpa_p Try with click activity. First select any one of the hyperlink and see the selector has aaname. If it has aaname, pass the data value through variable. Variable should contain below expression
Str Variable = DataTime.Now.ToString(yyyy-MM-dd)
aaname in the selector should has Summary-Report March 22 “Variable” .xlsx
This should work but the date could be any date. Not necessarily today’s. If yesterday’s date is present in the filename, and thats the latest, it should click on that
BAsed on the date appended we identify it as latest. Like #7 has recent date than #8 #18 should be ignored
I just need to consider the files that have name till bot and appended by date.
ya we can remove the rows. However we dont need the older links.
I cannot consider #18 because it has few more words after the word bot(Eg: _DEF…LLL)
only i need to identify the files which have the file name “Summary Support-BOT” followed by date