Create a xaml with two arguments in_numberofdays of integer type, in_strtdate of datetime type and out_requiredate as datetime type and create a variable int_days
Int he xaml one while loop condition as Not in_Numberofdays.Equals(int_days)
Inside the loop use assign with out_requireddate = in_startdate.adddays(1)
Now use if condition with out_requireddate.Dayofweek.ToString.Equals("Sunday") Orelse out_requireddate.Dayofweek.ToString.Equals("Saturday")
On then side leave empty and on else side use assign with int_days = int_days + 1
Now send any date as input and the number of days to be added it would give the output date which is of added business days
It is a separate argument …you can send the input arguments as you need…you can send in_StartDate as Cdate("YourDateString") Or DateTime.ParseExact(inputdate, "MM/dd/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) and give in_Numberofdays as you need…how much ever you want to add