Date logic for subrating the -10 days


I want logic that i want to subtract 10 business days from today date

Can u create logic
and share me the workflow


A xaml is already shared for the same


@Anil_G yeah but … i want to subtract the days (-10) days

If you want to subtract 10 days then in the xaml shared by @Anil_G, Wherever AddDays(10) is given, convert it to AddDays(-10)

Hi @katta_nikhil

currentDate= DateTime.Now (Datatype: System.Datetime)

eg: today date is 07/18/2023
date before 10 business days will be 07/08/2023

Refer the above image

This syntax will also return 10 days back date:

Now.Date.AddDays(-10).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") (Datatype: System.String)

Hope it helps!!

Hi @katta_nikhil

result = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10)
output: 07/08/2023 00:00:00(DateTime variable)

result = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10).ToString(“MM/dd/yyyy”)
output: 07/08/2023 (String variable)

BusinessDay_followupdate.xaml (12.1 KB)

can anyone please tell me here the changes

Have made the changes instead 0f +1, I have given below syntax:

DT_EndDate= DT_EndDate.AddDays(-1)

The initial value will be 10 only

Hope it helps!!


There is no change…in argument instead of 10 pass -10



Type this in add data row activity in text.xaml:
{dt5(0)(0).ToString, dt5(0)(1).ToString, id.Substring(0,id.Length-1), dt5(0)(3).ToString, Sum.ToString, dt5(0)(5).ToString, dt5(0)(6).ToString, dt5(0)(7).ToString}

use AddDays(-10) instead of 1 day

No bro its not working … its gng to infinte loop


Have made the changes instead 0f +1, I have given below syntax:

DT_EndDate= DT_EndDate.AddDays(-1)

The initial value will be 10 only
Try this
Hope it helps!!

If u dont mind can u do in this file (12.5 KB)

Hi @katta_nikhil

Made the required changes and uploaded the zip file for reference. (222.3 KB)

Hope it helps!!

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