Can any one please tell me How to rename all files in a folder using UI Path?
Hi welcome to the community!
You can get all file names like this: Directory.GetFiles(“c:\folder”) and assign it as value for a string array type variable, then you a for each with that same variable, inside the loop you use move file activity and use item as source and the new filename as destination.
Hi @madhan_pm,
you can also do this by using Command Prompt
use “Start Process” activity and pass arguments as specified in the above link. This maybe a little bit faster when comparing with iterating on the file list.
In this video I do a lot of stuff with Files (Chapter included) :
1:10 Download the file and Move the latest file to folders
4:30 Rename files with VB commands
6:00 Move files to do Rename
6:55 Delete files
8:15 Delete only PNG files
8:55 Delete all the files except PNG files
9:55 Move files
Cristian Negulescu