Good Afternoon Personal, I would appreciate your help in figuring out the best way to calculate the elapsed time of a activity sequencing .
I simply need to have the time elapsed in the format hh:mm:ss
Can you guide me?
We can place two write line activity
One before a activity
And another one after the activity
And mention like this in each write line like this
Kindly try this and let know for any queries and clarification buddy
Cheers @Rafaeloneil
Hi Buddy @Rafaeloneil
We can place two assign activity
One before a activity
And another one after the activity
And mention like this in each write line like this where in_time1 and in_time are of type Datetime
In_time1 = Now (before an activity)
In_time2 = Now (after an activity)
Now after in_time2 we can calculate the time lapse…like this
String Time_lapse = (in_time2 - in_time1).ToString(“hh:mm:ss”)
Kindly try this and let know for any queries and clarification buddy
Cheers @Rafaeloneil
I tried it.
What mean: String Time_lapse = (in_time2 - in_time1) .ToString («чч: мм: сс»)
String?? It also write in assign?