By comparing two Columns from two different datatable, how can we Extract the Unique Cell values Using LinQ?

Table -1 is the Input ,
Assume Table-2 is from a web Page ,
when we click on Particular Team Captain Name from the Table-2 then Table -3 Will be generated.

Bot Should Read The Table-1.

Step-2: Bot Should Click on The TeamCaptain Name from Table-2 (From Web Page)

Step-3: Table-3(Having Single Column) will be Generated here,
Now i have to Compare the Table -3 column with Table-1 Column Name “TeamMembers”, then TeamMembers Who are not there in Table-1 should right In the Output Datatable With Corresponding Team Captain. And this should Iterate for remaining Three TeamCaptains As well for Table-2.

Note: I am Trying to use LINQ for reducing Nested for Loops . Please Help me using LINQ

Thanks in Advance !!

Can you please help Me in this??
Thank you in advance

To reduce the need for nested for loops, you could also implement a “merge data table” since you have the 2 datatables already with you. A full join with Table-3 as the first table and Table-1 as the second table will result in a table which will contain the values filled for the columns TeamCaptain and Sports for those records which are present in both datatables. For others records like Sarath, the 2 columns will be empty.
This can now be filtered out to find which data is missing from Table 1


hi @Nishant_Banka1 ,
Can you please explain me the flow how to develop the code
thank you !!