Button Click in UiPath Forms

Hey guys, i need help. I want to build a form where on a button click, a certain logic is being ran and then the output is being shown in a text area in the form. i have finished everything, except the button logic. Please someone help


  1. Create the Form:
  • In UiPath Studio, drag and drop the Create Form activity.
  • Add a TextArea and Button to the form.
  1. Define the Button Logic:
  • Inside the Form, you can use the On Button Clicked event to trigger the logic when the button is pressed.
  • In the Button properties, ensure you set up an event like OnClick to define the logic.
  1. Button Logic Example:
  • Inside the OnClick event, you can write the logic you want to execute when the button is clicked.
  • For example, if you want to run a calculation and show the result in the TextArea, do something like this:


Copy code

Dim result As String = "Logic executed successfully!"
TextBoxOutput.Text = result
  1. Assigning the Output:
  • Make sure the TextArea (TextBoxOutput in the example) is bound to a variable that can be updated during the button click.
  • Update the output as needed after the logic runs.
  1. Execute the Form:
  • The form will be executed, and when the button is clicked, the specified logic will run and display the result in the TextArea.

Example Workflow:

  1. Use Create Form activity.
  2. Add a Button and TextArea to the form.
  3. Add the OnClick event to the button.
  4. Write the desired logic inside the OnClick event handler.
  5. Assign the output to the TextArea variable.