I have just installed Uipath studio and robot on a new PC and connected the robot to existing Orchestrator, the bot is connected fine but not showing any of the processes that exist in Orchestrator, what am I missing ?
Have you created process and published that package into it from Uipath studio ?
no not on the new PC with the new bot, the packages/processes already exist in the Orchestrator the new bot is connected to
Just tested by publishing from the new studio/bot and that does not appear either in the new bot, I have set new bot as run as a service I am wondering if its a permissions thing?
Once try to disconnect that robot machine from Orchestrator and then publish it and check once it will shown in Robot system tray.
If it’s not shown then some problem with Uipath installation.
—Ensure that machine is connected to orchestrator
—If so then check whether the robot created for this machine is provisioned to a environment in robot tab
—then If the Robot is connected to Orchestrator, processes from the environments the Robot is a part of are displayed.
once publish the process and we can see that published nupkg file in the folder
—if it’s there then we would be able to see them in the robot tray
For more details on robot tray and how it gets the package in its feed
Cheers @Gid
Hi, Many Thanks for the replies, the bot is connected and licenced, showing as available in the Orchestrator, the packages I publish appear in the Orchestrator just fine, but don’t show in the Bot??. I have disconnected and reconnected the bot but no processes appear.
just to add, other existing bots on other machines have the packages published by the problem studio/bot available to them.
The solution (as provided by loginerror) to this issue was to add the new Bot to the required environment defined in Orchestrator.
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