Best practice writing documentation

Hi all,

Based on my experience in RPA projects, it takes a while to write and maintain complete documentation, like PDD and SDD. I do acknowledge the importance of proper documentation. Makes me come up with 2 questions:

  1. As a benchmark, how much time does any of you spend on actually writing documentation (excluding process analysis)?
  2. Wondering if you guys have any best practices to create documentation more efficient?

Appreciate your help!

Hi @Levnij, welcome to the Community.

The time spent on writing documentation can vary widely depending on the scope and complexity of the project, the level of detail required, and the team’s experience with the RPA tool. Some teams may spend a few days to a week on documentation, while others may take several weeks or even months.

To make documentation creation more efficient, here are some best practices:

  1. Before starting any documentation, make sure you understand what information you need to convey. This will help you to create focused and relevant documentation.

  2. Creating templates for PDD, SDD, or other documents can save you time and ensure consistency across projects. You can also use standardized formats such as process diagrams or decision trees.

  3. Documentation should involve input from various stakeholders, including the business process owner, subject matter experts, developers, and quality assurance teams.

  4. The documentation should be easy to understand and not overly technical. Use plain language, visuals, and examples to explain the process flow and any other relevant information.

  5. Maintain version control for all documentation, including changes and updates, to ensure accuracy and traceability.

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

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