I am trying to scrape data from a bank form which includes data in boxes letter by letter.
After trying with screen scraping it will return either as I or as 1.
I even tried using string manipulation but data containing I or 1 will not be included using string split.
What ever the data that is present in the bloxs are not getting right when you are using the screen scraping ? did you tried with different ocrs?
Yes, I tried with Microsoft OCR, Google OCR, when i tried with tesseract OCR I m facing the above mentioned issue like I or 1 will be scraped.
try Abby OCR
For different OCR engines like tesseract OCR they have a scaling factor, just try to increase the scaling factor.
Another property which you can use is profile. By default profile is “Screen”, for PDFs I will recommend you to use “Scan” profile which can give you more accurate results.
Just try this once and reply back if any issues come up.
When Reading pdf data make sure you give True in PreserveFormat in property panel
abby ocr is good you can try that
Thanks, It is working fine when tried with Abby OCR.
cheers @Anu12_3 mark this as a solution and close this thread
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