Background Execution in Input Method

I am confused with term of “Background execution”
in document

It take me time notice it is no related with Background process, the background process will not allow to use UIAutomation.Activity at all.

So, what this background execute means? The click, type into can still work on a minimized window? or covered by other windows? I had try, it will not work under these case when I set input method in Simulate/Message, at least not work correct.

And if Simulate is suggested, why in Process setting, the default input mothed is set as Hardware for Windows?


  1. Background execution in UiPath refers to running processes without active UI interaction.
  2. It’s suitable for tasks not requiring UI elements or when UI is minimized/unavailable.
  3. UI Automation activities like Click and Type Into interact with visible UI elements.
  4. These activities may not function correctly when UI elements aren’t visible or interactable.
  5. However, some activities like Type Into can work on minimized windows if allowed by the app.
  6. Default input method in UiPath is Hardware for reliable interaction with applications.
  7. Simulate input method is faster but may not work well with all applications.
  8. It’s suggested when hardware events are restricted or for faster execution.
  9. Adjustment of input method depends on the application’s response and automation requirements.
  10. Background execution prioritizes non-UI-related actions for seamless automation.

Please refer the above thread

Yes, UI Automation activity like click and Type Into interact with visible UI element, So, it would not support background execution, right?

but on document, why Input Method of Click/ Type Into as Simulate / Windows Message is said support “Background Execution”?

Capability Method Compatibility Background Execution Speed Hotkey Support Auto Empty Field Design experience
Hardware Events 100% no 50% yes no Classic/Modern
SendWindowMessages 80% yes 50% yes no Classic/Modern
Simulate Type/Click 99% - web apps

60% - desktop apps|yes|100%|no|yes|Classic/Modern|
|Chromium API|100% - Chrome, Edge browsers|yes|50%|yes|yes|Modern|


The simulate method will work even when the active window is not the window that you want the data to be sent…

it works when the target pplication fully supports it

to test try with the testacme webside of UiPath you would see it would work even when the page is not on the foreground

When it says background it means that when it is not visible on screen but is on the html loaded


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thank you
Background execution on Input Method is means the window is activated/visiable/focused

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