Automation of attendance marking

Needd helpp

U can do the following steps

  1. Read the excel using read range and store in dt1

  2. Use for each row to loop through the dt1

Next step is to use the dynamic approach to click the radio button.

Try this


Nived N :robot:

Happy Automation :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

Halloo sorry for the late reply
after i read the excel file and store it in a datacenter and use each row to loop through how do i make it fill the html file with the data it got from wat i did.
Still abit new to this dont know wat is the dynamic approach 0o

Like u can make the selector dynamic actually by adding some attributes doing so

Hi may I know how exactly did u do write it on Uipath?

Hi… do u have the code for it? It would greatly help me thanks!