Assigning rights to specific tenants for an external Application

Hi team, in my organization we have a shared Orchestrator where there are multiple Tenants created (Let us consider T1, T2,…T10). Now Tenant T9 wants access to an external application(with rights to access: Folders, Jobs, Robots, Execution (which can be assigned from Admin > External Applications > Application Scopes )). We have created an App ID and App Secret for same, now issue is that, if tenant T9, just modifies the Tenant URL with T8, he will be able to execute Robots for tenant T8. This is a major security breach. So what can be done in this scenario so that this T9 is limited to execute the Robots which he only owns.

Hi @Tech,

You will be able to control what folders/robots an external app can access from the orchestrator.
So for your scenario, you will create one external app per tenant and allow corresponding external app access only to their tenants.
please refer the link for details: