Is it possible to add a csv file or DataTable as QueueItem details? I’ve figured serializing the DataTable into JSON, but I have approximately 8K rows. Is there any workaround I can do in here?
Is it possible to add a csv file or DataTable as QueueItem details? I’ve figured serializing the DataTable into JSON, but I have approximately 8K rows. Is there any workaround I can do in here?
Hi @_pjflo,
These threads show use of Bulk adding queue and single item addition with their advantages and disadvantages
Bulk Uploading Queue Items with Reference & Deadline - #9 by jeevith
Might not be exactly what you are looking for but this is another way you could send your
Datatable as one key:value pair in a queue item
Adding data table into queue - #5 by jeevith
Also just so you know there was a bug sometime ago when you use deadlines : Order processing queue - #17 by jeevith
Hi @_pjflo
You can use Add Bulk Queue Items activity this will accepts the Datatable as input
@_pjflo as of my understanding you want to add datable in one queue item instead of multiple rows.
Hi, yes, that’s correct. So it’ll be like the DataTable is in one QueueItem, maybe as QueueItem details/info.
Hi, I was trying to compress the DataTable into one Queue Item.
Hi @_pjflo
Ok, for that you can check below link for your reference
Hope this may help you
I am currently facing the same needs to add a table to ONE queue item.
I know of the possibilty to serialize and deserialize the table to JSON.
But I wonder, why studio offers the possibility to chose datatype DataTable in the Item Information
what brings an error when using