Arguments in UIpath to use again the same variables

Hello everyone,
I’m trying to switch arguments from one workflow to another using a dictionary.
In my first workflow (called Gmail), I have all my variables and I’ve added an In_Config argument to each process

I’d like to use these variables in the Hora_init workflow. Do you have any idea how I can do this?


@Maxime_LAUGIER ,

Pass your dictionary using argument with In/Out direction. It will persist all key, value as it is.

Ashok :slight_smile:

Hello @ashokkarale

This part is probably missing, how can i switch my dictionary? Directly in the “main” workflow, the main one? i should put in/out everywhere?

sorry this part is abstract for me

and where is the dictionary?

Because in my Init workflow, i am using Out_Config in out
Like this :
Should i put IN/OUT?

and in the workflow that has to retrieve the variables, do I have to declare them?

Go to the Invoke Workflow activity and click the Import Arguments button.

Yes, wherever you are passing this as an argument use direction In/Out

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you all for your answers.

Do you have any ideas why i have this without an output section?

Instead of this :


If you are looking for Output panel which is not visible, you can reset the Studio settings by:

Home → settings → reset settings

Ashok :slight_smile:

Hello again,

Really sorry, i did it but it still the same, can’t this the Output panel.

As you can see, it’s not exactly the same logo regarding the activity

Strangely enough, I’ve just done it on another project, and I do have the option, so I don’t understand why in this sequence it doesn’t want to

I just found out why, I had to update all the application packages…

Thanks again for your time.

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