I was wondering about neat functionality to somehow inform user in real time about if queue items are ending with success.
My business users are providing input to the robot through Apps. They were concerned and want somehow to know, if robot (which will start automatically thorugh queue trigger) works fine and there are no issues in processing.
What can be the easiest way to show to the user e.g. last datetime of Success in queue? Is it possible to show this kind of information directly in Apps? Maybe use another functionality and mean of communication?
I’d like it to be simplest possible for user. Just to let them know "Hey, process is running fine (because there are successful statuses in queue).
Any ideas of such architecture?
Edit: business user start only Provider phase of the robot. Processing phase launches through queue trigger itself.
One approach I’m able to think through right now is as follows:
Create an Entity to hold Queue items details along with the status.
Add a entity record while adding the queue item with New Status.
In your performer bot which is Queue Based triggered, at Set Transaction Status workflow, after Set Transaction Status activity add logic to update the entity record status as per the flow [Success/Failed etc.]
Now in your Apps, connect this entity and on a button like Refresh to load the latest queue items in a Data Grid control
The ‘Processes’ section of the Orchestrator already provides this functionality, it can automatically provide a Ui for making a queue item and will keep track of them for you.
You can replicate the similar approach by using Storage Bucket as well. Just keep a excel file there in the Storage Bucket and store the Queue item details and status in this file and retrieve from Apps.
Queues also appear here and you can use the same method to start a queue item.
You need to define a schema on the queue to make the fields appear like the example in this screenshot.
Any process you start or queue item you create will be tracked in the space I circled.