Apply Excel filter and save the file


I have two unique requirements from a client

  1. Put a filter on an excel file and save the file with that filtered result.

Example: I need to put filter on a column country. After applying the filter, save the file. So that if anybody opens it manually, then they should get the filtered result directly.

  1. Activate a sheet and save the file. So that if anybody opens the excel file they should directly see that sheet.



yes what you are expecting

how to achieve this? let me know if you want me to repharese the question.


Use Read Range activity

2.Use Filter datatable and create the output to the same output variable of read range

3.use write range activity giving the same excel path ,then the file will be in the new filtered format.

If you want any thing mention

My bad to explain the requirement.

Basically i want to keep all data in excel file. But after automation it has to be in a filtered state. See screenshot for reference.

Before Automation, the file will look like this. it will show all data.

After automation.

After automation if i open the file i should have a filter applied to the file and only filtered results should be visible. But also the rest of the other data should not be deleted.

imo it’s a strange ask.


Its possible by making the filtered datatable into a separate sheet of same excel file or in the same sheet of input excel by making old data into separate sheet.

  1. you are saying that the old data should not be deleted means it has to be in the same excel or store it into a separate sheet

Ok just assume that you have an excel file with you with above data. Now you applied the filters manually for the location column and then you saved and closed the file. Next time if you open the file, it will open with the filtered result.

similarly this needs to be done by bot. I just want the filter applied on the same sheet. the filter option should be visible in the column.


ya got it

use the below steps You will get the above mentioned output with modern activities



Ok I will try and let update.


ok Thanks


My project is build classic activity.
can’t use above option



use read range activity

2.filter activity

3.write range activity writing back to the same excel file


But this will remove filtered data


yes by using modern activities also the old data will be gone

only the filtered data will be shown when you open the excel


Can it be done by VB.Net?


no idea

I did it by Excel Macro.

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