The expression be like this
If str_input = â4198525â
Then In assign activity
str_output = 41985,25
Inside your for loop you need to assign this value
As explained by @Dhanush_Naik in that example use
item(âcolumnNameâ) = ((Double.Parse(item(âcolumnNameâ).ToString,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(âES-esâ))).ToString(âF2â,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(âES-esâ)))
This will convert the existing value to required value format in your Data table
You are looping on value_dt_str which is invalid in your case as this would store single character in loop variable item.
You should use for each row in datatable and loop over value_dt, inside loop assign respective columns current value to a variable say temp_str; e.g. temp_str = CurrentRow(âcolumn name or indexâ).