Hi Team,
I have following value which I have to convert in comma separated value.
Input - strValue = “588300” Expected Output - = “5,88,300”
I have tried searching but can find any default function in UIPath. Kindly assist me for same.ConvertStringValueInCommaSeperatedval.xaml (4.3 KB)
Integer.parse("588300").toString("##,##,###") try this
Thanks for reply. I have tried but value is coming like 588,300.
My expected output is 5,88,300, Also, if any other value comes like 65656300 then output should appear 6,56,56,300. Kindly assist.
@kawalkarhemant stra=“1234565” try this it will work string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(“en-IN”),“{0:n}”,Convert.ToDouble(stra)) it will give 12,34,565.00 after that you can remove if you dont want decimal values
Regards, Mahesh
Great answer buddy. Appreciate your help.