API R009 error

Hello guys, so im trying to configure my first API workflow, but I keep getting an error and I dont know whats wrong with it.
When im trying to import cURL http request and validate it says validation success. But after i go to preview the response it says that msg: "Empty user name, Status code R009.

My cURL request looks like this:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://api.rrr.lt/get/part_position' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d '&username=exexexexex&password=exexexexexeexeexexe&user_token=exexexexexexexexexex'

The exexexex symbols are fake username, password and token just because i dont want to share them

Any help would be much appreciated

Still willingly waiting for advice

Curl import is a good start, but can sometimes fail as it is not properly transformed

How is your body property configured?

Hello Peter,

The body is blank to be honest. What should be in there?

we would recommend:

  • prototype it with Postman

the ampersand throws some questions mark. We would guess that a json object is to pass instead of using GET variables

And one more quesiton Petter,

Lets say that I have a excel file, which has a b c d collumns with 25 rows of data in each of them. I need to upload all of that data to the API, but it can only take one row of data at a time. Is it possible to loop the Http request upload? And if so, how?? I imagine, that when you go build parameters, their value should be a variable that gets stored info each time?

One by one lets focus first on the API Call

I just figured it out. I’ve got the R009 error, because I haven’t built parameters:

When I imported the Curl, the username, password and user_token parameters didint upload automatically. Now, when I preview the response through HTTP request wizzard, i get the response I want