Any tips about this? string to list

any tips about this error? thank you

I want to pass the encrypted excel to in_Attachment


GeneratedSummaryReport is String and you are assigning it to list

so i need to assign a new variable to make the generatedsummaryreport into list?

Hi @shanti_18

You cannot pass a string variable to list.
Change the in_Attachment variable to string.
If you want the list of elements, then use add or append method to add that string to another list variable.

Hi @shanti_18

Try to change in_Attachment variable type to string


What data generatedsummaryreport contains is it a list of string or string.Based on your requirement pass the datatype.

I cant change it, bec whole process will be affected


Try this


Hi @shanti_18

Give this in the value field for that argument

New  List(Of String) from {"GenerateSummaryReport"}

Hope it helps!!

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