Announcement - Apps For Action Center On Cloud - Preview Release

Apps For Action Center On Cloud - Preview Release
We are excited to announce the Preview Release of Apps as a new visualization and interaction experience for Actions on cloud*!!!* The integration brings the following benefits

  • Real-time forms (ability to invoke Robots from Forms or DS integration or connections integration)
  • Performance optimizations (faster load times)
  • Improved look and feel
  • Quickly build custom validation experiences around the use of Gen AI


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This is great @udit.chandna .
I had a query though, The form design BuildITDesk form has the Approve/Reject button. Now, if I don’t want to show this button’s altogether when the form is in Unassigned State and only show it when the form moves to the Pending state ( i.e it is assigned to a user), do I have any event that I can utilize to get this? ( I had tried to see the same while creating action center form earlier) but had not got it ( I could not find any event that tells me that the form has moved from one state to another in Action Center( i.e. from Unassigned to Pending Action). So, with the Apps now being available on Action Center, is that possible ?


Excited to Explore @udit.chandna


@Vishal_Kalra @ruchirmahajan Check this if you want to learn more.


I tried explaining a small use case with tweaking BuildITDesk design. Do check it out, Hope this helps @Vishal_Kalra


Hi Vishal

I think we dont support this at the moment
I have asked Engg to explore the same

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@Harika_Mudiam Thanks, but this is not what I am looking for. I specifically am looking for an event (when the form moves from Unassigned to Pending status) to hide the button’s altogether. For now, I am using a check box to show / hide the buttons and the user click’s on the check box to show the approve / reject button. But as confirmed by Udit, the event from Unassigned to Pending action is not supported yet.

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@Vishal_Kalra what’s your use case? Today, the buttons are visible but we disable (grey out) the pane on Action Center when the task has not been assigned and we have a banner asking the user to assign the task first. If your concern is that it still looks enabled and users are getting confused, we can disable the controls in a better way (say make the entire task greyscale until its assigned). Would this help?


Hi @shivaraman_shankar , Thanks for your reply. Yes in the current state although the buttons are disabled the user is asking us to hide them altogether. For now, I have handled it via a check box wherein the buttons are kept hidden and when the form moves to the Assigned state, the user click on a Take Action check box and the approve/reject button become visible. But the user ideally wants this button’s to be visible only when the form moves from unassigned to Pending state. So, I am looking for a event to capture this.

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Hi, I tried this use case but can’t see Create App Task activity in Studio Web. Is it related to some users?

Its part of the persistance activity

You can refer 13:30 in first video and 19:50 time in 2nd video and can see how to get in Studio Web

For Studio desktop Persistance needs to b enabled

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