@bdudiak Thank you for your suggestion. Yes I also thought about it but I don’t really find the hotkeys reliable mainly because you can’t control what field you are dealing with now. And also you always have to adjust the delay between keys because the default one usually leads to fails. The fields are supposedly static.
Any news on this? Was it a bug?
I have kind of same issue. While using anchor base to find the text position of a string and click the check box next to it, it takes 12-15 seconds to click the checkbox. I have tried different waitforready properties, different click properties, check activity, anchor base position etc. all with same issue.
Any ideas on why it takes around 12 secs to click a check box in this case? In the real workflow this is done in a loop why it slows the whole project down a lot.
Hi @stch
I reported the bug at the time and it is being investigated. Unfortunately I cannot provide any estimate here.
Thanks a lot! As you can see in the above screenshots as well I even have set timeout on the click activity to 1000 ms, so in theory I guess it should throw an error also.
I found your same problem, but in my case I found the solution:
In my anchor base there was a find elements and a get text. when I clicked on the get text to take the selector it automatically indicated only SPAN. With UiExplorer I saw the class and after I entered the class the speed became identical to that of a normal get text.
Hi @loginerror,
Even I am facing the same issue. (my studio version is 20.4.4 )
are the Bug gets fixed?
From what I can see, it is still being considered and will be priorities accordingly. Unfortunately I cannot share any specific timeline around it.
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