Anchor Base: Activity timeout exceeded - Error

Hi guys, me again.

I saw many topics similar to this one, but not works for me.
Maybe I’m so dumb in RPA or the Studio dont like me :laughing:
The first option is the most possible.

The Studio cannot find the element.
I dont know why.

Is it possible to use the Indicate on Screen option in the Type Into activity instead of building Anchor Base? The Indicate On Screen will create selector, unless I am wrong.
Another issue, Isn’t DEPARTAMENTO a drop down list?

Dear Jakub,

Before I did it.
And not works.
It’s the reason because I changed for “Anchor Base” activity, because just “Type into” not works too.

If it’s a dropdown list you could try to use Select Item activity.

When I tried to use this activity, the error below appears:

in this case you can try with 2 click activity. I’ve done it many times bc some dropdown list are not designed in the way UiPath consider as select item.

I tried it roght now.
And the answer was an error.

Click ‘INPUT input-199’: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector: