AI Center question

I’m testing document understanding and ai center.
I have document with multiple checkboxes.
In document manager I don’t have possiblity to choose bool for option true or false. How can I handle it?


For check box also you have an option


I can’t find it. Where is checkbox option in document manager?


Please check this on how to train


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ok. thanks. I will read it.

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I read it but still don’t understand how to handle it.
In AI Center in Document Manager I need fields like true or false.
It is not available

in taxonomy manager boolean is available

So how to handle it?


It would not come as true or false…rather it picks the item name which is checked based on checkbox


I have template in foreign language. I translated fields and I need to know only if option is checked or not.
I don’t need extract text.
Based on this I’m inserting information in our ERP system.
I can do it in Studio but not in Document Manager. I don’t know why.


In the document manager if no option is checked it would give empty value by that you can assime it is unchecked
