In my project i am trying to append the excel.
After using the append range activity data appended but Column Name is not present in appended sheet,
What could be the possible reason ?
Please help to get that
After using the append range activity data appended but Column Name is not present in appended sheet
Append range is not adding the headers
For the first Addition (e.g. first row in Excel) use write range and let add the header
append range activity data doesn’t have header
can you check whether the data which your are passing in the append activity is having headers or not
append range activity data doesn’t have Add header property
can you check the original data which your are appending is having headers or not otherwise if you have only one data table you can use Write Range activity and add the header
Thank you
Hi @Ajinya_jorwekar ,
The Idea suggested was to use Write Range
Activity for the First Transaction and then Append Range
activity in the next incremental transactions.
Using If activity by Checking the Transaction Number =1, then Write Range
(Add Headers enabled) else Append Range
Could you let us know if the above would work for your case ?
its better to use write range for write range activity for the first Transaction
use if activity condition as
then use writerange activity
else use append range activity
for TransactionNumber you need to create an argument in process and map it
hope this helps