Adjust Row Index within 'For Each row' activity

Due to a system error, for some reason, the counter in the ‘For each row’ activity decides to go back 1 (the index of the row instead of moving onto the next row in the Excel spreadsheet, it goes back 1 I.e. if the system error occured whilst on row 5, it searches the data in row 4 instead of moving onto row 6). Ideally, I would like to stop if from moving back a row and instead continue with the row beneath or if it has to change the row index then force it to go forward by 2(+2). However, I am having trouble doing this because of the option strict on, which disallows late binding. Does anyone know how to adjust the row index within a for each row activity by taking the current row and saying +2?

you should check the scope for your counter variable, if it is inside a loop, then it will get the default values every time…