Adding values with loop to a data table - data table is not getting updated


can someone help me how can i add values to a data table in a ‘while’ activity? i use an assign activity DT.Rows(DT.Rows.Count-1).item(“column name”) = value that i want

it seems to have only insert correctly the first value, but don’t insert the second value next to come/replace the first value?.. (the data table is not updated with two values but only with one)


You can use a variable to save the DT.Rows.count-1 which will change everytime you add another value to the dt intVariable=intVariable+1.
Use this variable inside the dt.rows(intVariable).

Hope it solved the problem.


You need to use a counter to make this work

check below for your refernce

Hope this may help you


no, it throw an error (on the second value entered) :Assign: There is no row at position 1.


Can you share your process folder?

Also let me know you have already rows in datatable and updating the value, is this correct?


i have no rows in the data table (besides for the default)

each time i am entering the loop i want to have clear datatable, the first value is enter right but it doesn’t update the rows count in the datatable and its “says” all the time that there is only one row


Then you have to use Add row activity and pass your values

Hope this may help you


i tried this, maybe you can tell me what to put under: ‘DataRow’?
as its dynamic


You can use Arrayrow if you have multiple columns like below


Hope this may help you


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