Adding String with Double Quotes to Queue and Queue is adding escape characters when pulling item back from Queue

Hi, I am having a problem with a string variable I am adding to the Queue. The variable is to be used inside the HTTP request activity. The variable is being pulled from the queue and UiPath is adding some sort of escape characters. I tried using a Replace method to replace the backslashes with nothing but the replace function cannot be used on the format that is output from the Queue. Any help with this is appreciated.

Accepted UiPath format for the HTTP requests activity.

Format retrieved using in_TransactionItem.SpecificContent(“JsonBody”).ToString

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Hey @chloerpadev

Just de-serialize the json to a dictionary using De-serialize JSON activity. Then the data can be accessed from the dictionary using appropriate keys.


How would I add that to the Queue? I am adding the Json Body to the queue right now.

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I just need it as a string for the HTTP request.

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Hey @chloerpadev

You can just directly add the above to queue which will not cause any issues.

And when you get it just de-serialize which will automatically ignore the escape characters.
