Hello guys. I have a problem that I dont know how to solve. I have a workflow, that reads excel file that has input needed for a webpage. Then goes to the web, extracts data and goes to another page. The thing is, that I need to write the input for the webpage to the extracted data table. For example, I extract 4 rows of data from the web, then I need to add 4 rows to the table of input. Input is CurrentRow.Item(“All Orgkodas”).ToString. How can i do that?
Hi Povilas_Jonikas,
- declare new DataRow variable e.g. “newRow”
- initialize “newRow” to be a new row of your datatable by assining dt.NewRow to “newRow” variable
- assign values to newRow variable e.g. newRow(“All Orgkodas”) = “test”
- after all the values are assigned, use “Add Data Row” activity, fill in dataRow and dataTable properties. (Note - you can use ArrayRow property by passing in newRow.ItemArray)
Use the “Build Data Table” activity to create a new DataTable. Create columns in that according to your needs.
Use a “For Each Row” activity to go through the extracted data from the webpage.
Inside the loop, use the “Add Data Row” activity to add each row of extracted data to the newly created DataTable.
Once all rows are added, you can write the DataTable to your Excel file using the “Write Range” activity.
Hope this helps
Hey @Povilas_Jonikas
You can use vb.net
of type DataTable
(In Argument)
of type DataTable
(In/Out Argument)
If Not webDataTable.Columns.Contains("All Orgkodas Input") Then
webDataTable.Columns.Add("All Orgkodas Input", GetType(String))
End If
For index As Integer = 0 To webDataTable.Rows.Count - 1
Dim webRow As DataRow = webDataTable.Rows(index)
If index < inputDataTable.Rows.Count Then
Dim inputRow As DataRow = inputDataTable.Rows(index)
webRow("All Orgkodas Input") = inputRow("All Orgkodas").ToString()
webRow("All Orgkodas Input") = String.Empty
End If
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