Adding comma to a number

Hi ,

I wanted to add comma to a number

Could you please guide me here…

Example 7000 output 7,000


Hey @Rahul_S1

Check this out

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you can try with


output= “7,000”

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@nikhil.girish thanks

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Thanks @Shiva_Nikhil

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maybe you are looking for this also

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Hi @Rahul_S1

String.Format(“{0:N0}”, 7000)

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I assume it’s being stored in a string variable, and you want to output it as a string with the thousands separator as comma. (If it’s an integer or double variable, there is no such thing as a thousands separator)

To take a string and output it with thousands separator as comma:

myStr = 7000

Don’t use string manipulation (ie insert) because it won’t work if the number is hundreds of thousands, millions, etc. Do proper conversion to a number datatype, then proper formatting expression.

Also, if you want decimal places you can change the number, ie N1 N2 N3 etc.

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