Add Multiple Images Doesn't Work...!

Continuing the discussion from How to add the images in SMTP mail body:

when i try to add multiple images in the body using cont id the first added attachment is printing in all the place even though the cont id is different in html. Do you have an solution to this.

Hi @ravi_gupta

Have you tried using invoke method to attach multiple images


Yes Tried and Tries to attach the with the Assign Activity attach = new Attachment(“Path”)
attach.contentD = “Image1”

multiple attachment is not working copying first images to All//

Hi @ravi_gupta

Have you tried using for each item looping through images by passing the path through an array


Yes tried with Loop and Single Instance Too…

Hi friend ,i use your method to use Assign Activity want put picture in body when I send mail,but I don’t know how to use the expression in body ,can you help me ,thanks ~

Hi @ravi_gupta

I have used this method in some of my projects and till now it’s perfect for me, thanks


Thanks for your sharing ,I will try it when I am back and tell u the result ,thanks

Thanks sir I tried ,it’s works ,thanks a lot

Happy to hear, please mark it as solution so it will be useful to others…

Friend , I tried find the solution area,but nothing here

I thought you created the post sorry my bad the one created this topic has to mark it as solution…

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