Add Hyper Link and Icon to Cells in Excel?


I have one project to generate the list of Audio Files from an Excel File to HTML
Here’s the Excel Data Base :

I wan to do the following :

1- Add the Hyper Link to 3rd Column :

I used “=HYPERLINK(C2,C2)” but this need to be generated in another column and when deleting this 3rd Column, all data will be vinished)


2- At the end I want to have an HTML file converted from Excel , and when clicking on Audio Icon or text ( Example : Audio) it will read the MP3 file directly, without opening another page as follows:

Thanks in AdvanceProcessing: AudioDatabase.rar… (9.0 MB)

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You can automate it as you feel comfortable, you can create a template with everything configured or run a script everytime data is populated in the excel.

as you’ve already done, create a template with below steps performed and just use that template for output.

  1. Select the cell near which you want the sound inserted.
  2. Choose Object from the Insert menu. You will see the Object dialog box.
  3. Click on the Create from File tab.
  4. Use the controls on the dialog box to locate a sound file that you want included with your document.
  5. Click on OK. An icon that looks like a speaker is inserted in your document
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Thanks @rahulsharma for prompt feedback, probably you didn’t get my point, insertig that objet icon is just at the end, and before that i want my Bot checking for Mp3 files in main folder and once there is a new one it will do the following :
1- Fill file details in excel : Id, Name, Link(Path location)
2- Insert Hyperlink into 3rd column for this path.
3-change the content of this cell which contains a link to an icon or just a clear text, like : “Audio”
4- Save excel file to HTML format, as the one I shared in attached ZIP file.

Thanks in advance

Checking out for any new file is easily done by path exists.

getting the details and filling in excel - > Basic information can be entered normally fie the field you need to alter, i just suggested to have a template that converts anything added to that colon to your desired format.

Then saving the file as html can be done using move activity or we can create a custom activity to rename and change extension of the file.

Regarding file, I’ll have a look on system and add any further information I can.

As you are adding hyperlink in the excel, that logically means referring to a file in a specified location hence when you click on the icon that navigates to that file and it opens in a new window as it an audio file.

For playing in the same screen in a html page we need to have the

I tried the VBA script that was playing the audio but while we convert the Excel to HHTML file, that VBA does not work as that VBA is a feature of excel file, even you might have seen that popup that some features might be lost if you save Excel as .htm. So I think it will not be possible to have that on the same page as long as we convert it from excel OR may be more R&D is required. Good luck!

Below are the references I used:


Thanks a lot @rahulsharma for your time and effort, let’s wait if someone from UiPath Community help on that.

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