Add comment in an action

Is possible to add a comment when you create an action in action center?

I’m currently using it with document understanding framework so I’m using “CreateDocumentValidationAction” activity from intelligent ocr activities package.

I didn’t find anything in the activity parameters and also in api documentation.

If anyone knows how to do it will be nice to add some comment to guide human validation in action center.

Hi @Camila_Caldas

you can’t add a comment using document understanding activities, for that you should create task with long running workflow activities, like create form task activity where you will create a form with the data and there you can add the information you want

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Hi @Camila_Caldas ,

Could you let us know what exactly do you have in mind and where exactly would you want a Comment to be present in the Action Window ?

Currently, I believe there is no such explicit feature available.This was there in my mind as well, but it did get clouded away when other new features did come up. We can check if you’re requirement could be achieved with the available options, if not this could be sent/converted as a Feedback to the UiPath Team.

They are pretty quick in listening and hearing out on the feedbacks or requirements suggested and possibly have this feature added up in the next release if everything is in place.

Let us know in more details the requirement, so that we can provide a final conclusion.

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@fernando_zuluaga I’m not sure this is going to work because document understanding framework have a specific action format, so the input is different (we use extracted data for example). Anyway thanks for the suggestion, can be useful in other scenarios.

Hi @Camila_Caldas

Yes, that is true. It will be a custom format. Meanwhile you can create a topic in the feedback section where you can share that idea about the comments in action center


@supermanPunch I want to use it to add relevant information for the user that is going to validate the action, helping to go straight to the validation needed and make it more faster.

Action center is a really good feature, but sometimes with experience I had I notice that user dont really like to have an extra validation effort. So I want to simplify this.

Other thing I realize is that sometimes the user make this validation in wrong way, causing prejudice to the process since we don’t have another validation after action center.

So here you have 2 suggestions:

  1. possibility to indicate to the user exactly what is needed to be done and
  2. something that can ensure this human validation is done correctly. For automatic validation using post processing workflow this is already possible setting rules in taxonomy. These rules could be extended to action center.

I’m totally open to talk more about this if needed and I can also submit this feedback I the forum.

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