I have a text file and everything is in one line. I need to add break before specific word for example before “<Details”.
Example text:
I have a text file and everything is in one line. I need to add break before specific word for example before “<Details”.
Example text:
Yes, but how do I add it in existing file
Hi @markosc ,
read the test file and store it in a string variable “str” and then use split operation:
str.Split(“<”c) and put it in an array.
Then loop the array and for each item append Enviromnet.NewLine to each item.
Then put the array string into a normal string by appending inside another loop and print that string with some some string manipulation.
You will get your result.
I am attaching the sample workflow for your reference.
Main (4).xaml (10.1 KB)
Thanks & Regards,
Shubham Dutta
have a look at this regex approach:
for the substitution any needed string (e.g. <br>
, Environment.NewLine, combinations… can be used
we also handle defensive any occurrences of spaces between the tags.
Regex Help: - Regex.Replace(…
[CheatSheet] - System.Text.RegularExpressions | RegEx - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum
Hi @markosc
You can try with this expression
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(YourString,"(?=<)|(?=< )","<br>").Tostring
HI @markosc
Checkout this expression
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