How to separate the string in a new line

I want to separate this string as below

For Example:

String Value : ABCFrom: October 17, 2000 DEFFrom: January 28, 2000* GHIFrom: July 12, 2023

Expected output:( I want the output in this way)
ABCFrom: October 17, 2000
DEFFrom: January 28, 2000*
GHIFrom: July 12, 2023

Please advise on how do I manipulate the string in such a way that I get the expected output as my outcome.

Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.


How about the following expression?



You can try this expression


It will matches all and based one index you can cal it

Out put:-


Check the below regular expression and used replace function to replace every sentence after space with new line.

- Assign -> Input = "ABCFrom: October 17, 2000 DEFFrom: January 28, 2000* GHIFrom: July 12, 2023"

- Assign -> Output = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Input.ToString,"(?<=\w+\:\s+\w+\s+\d+\,\s+\d+\**)\s+",vbcrlf)

Check the below workflow for better understanding

Hope it helps!!

you can use Regex Expressions to get a particular output which we want in Entire inputs…


you can try this Xaml

Xaml :- separate the string in a new (1.7 KB)

output :-


Thank you everyone I was able to resolve the issue based on your above comments.

Thank you for your time and guidance :+1:t2:

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