Activity find LastRow error?

I use activity find LastRow but show error as below ?

Please guide me for solve it.


Try round braces instead of square brackets and then check once.

I had the same issue as you a couple of days ago. Turns out that even if you do provide an variable in the activity itself, it does not “transfer” it to the properties panel.

Check if all provided variable also exist in the properties panel.

Hi @fairymemay ,

Just to see how the activity works, could you try passing in the Range into the Source Field ?


Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K

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@fairymemay Try below steps, it solves your issue

  • First take Use Excel File activity


  • Provide your excel path in the Excel File field
  • Within the do keep Find First/Last Data Row activity
  • Now change the expression in the source field to

This would work. Also, below link for ref

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