Action task should not be submitted successfully if mandatory field empty

Hello everyone

I need a help on Action center.

I created a taxonomy and defined an Invoice in it. There is field PO Number which I need to be marked as mandatory i.e., when the validation station appears if no value is provided for this PO Number then submission should not happen.

I have marked Criticality as Must

even after doing this when the action center validation station is coming up and the field PO Number is empty still it is submitting but I want until and unless a value is not provided in the PO number field it should not submit. The value of this PO Number can be entered manually in case not extracted from the document but until it is not entered the submission should not happen!


Please help!!!. Let me know for any doubts

I don’t think there is a way to make it required there. You’d have to make your automation validate the data it gets and kick it out as an exception if a required field is empty.

This seems like a pretty major oversight by UiPath.

It looks like you need to define the rule that is must be empty. Click on + Add new and create the rule that says the field cannot be empty