Action Centre-Get Form Activity

Hi All,

Using Action Centre ,What I am trying to achieve is ,
Here I should check whether my all task contains particular subscriptionId. If multiple task contains similar Subscription Id , and Total Rollover Amount , I should be able to filter out with latest task Id created to avoid duplicity .

For example if Task#567862 contains Subscription_Id 0068Y00001HSGdgQAH and Total RolloverCredit 3980.3 and the other Task#567863 contains Subscription_Id 0068Y00001HSGdgQAH and Total Rollover Credit , then I should be able to filter it and keep the latest Task# which was created. The bot should pick the latest task and process. This way I want to avoid the duplicate Task processing .

1)I want to extract the task Id and also containing the Label (Reference) 0068Y00001HSGdgQAH from the task which is created in action centre . I have used Get Form Activity. However my OData query is invalid
2)And also filter out any duplicate task containing same Subscription_Id and TotalRolloverCredit . . Can anyone help me on this ?

Hi @marina.dutta

Below video might be help for you



You filter should be like this …no or shpuld be present Status in ('Pending', 'Unassigned','Completed')

And for other filters once you get the tasks you need to filter again…can try with this

Taskobj.Where(function(x) x.Cast(Of Jobject)("Subscription_Id").ToString.Equals("youridtobefiltered")).FirstOrDefault

First you can check if the .Count>0 to know if atleast once task is retrieved with the given subscriptionid


Hi Anil,
Thanks For your reply. What I am trying to achieve is ,
Here I should check whether my all task contains particular subscriptionId. If multiple task contains similar Subscription Id , and Total Rollover Amount , I should be able to filter out with latest task Id created to avoid duplicity .

For example if Task#567862 contains Subscription_Id 0068Y00001HSGdgQAH and Total RolloverCredit 3980.3 and the other Task#567863 contains Subscription_Id 0068Y00001HSGdgQAH and Total Rollover Credit , then I should be able to filter it and keep the latest Task# which was created. The bot should pick the latest task and process. This way I want to avoid the duplicate Task processing .