Action Center - Multiple activities performed by the same user

I am new to using Action Center. We have a use case where we need multiple activities performed by the same user in Action Center in succession. The first (Activity 1) will be completing a form that will contain metadata needed to be passed with the separator information that will be completed by using Classification Station (Activity 2). The metadata will be needed for every separate form. We don’t want the process to go to Completed in Action Center until both activities are completed and don’t want the users to have to go to the Unassigned queue and get for Activity 1 and then go back to the Unassigned queue and get for Activity 2. We want both to be treated as 1 process in Action Center and go to Completed only when both activities have been completed.

Is there a way to accomplish this?

I will greatly appreciate any guidance you can provide.



→ An action center can be assigned to a specified user (using Assign Task activity). So this option can be leveraged in your process
→ Once you Create a task add Wait for task and resume. This will make the job to go into suspended state

  • Creating background process will give the state of the job as Suspended, rather than saying completed

  • If you want to use both create task activity and wait resume activity, then they have to be the main workflow

Thank you! Do you know of any good advanced training for Action Center?