November 15, 2022, 4:36am
Hi there,
Similar issue to this one .
I originally bought a lifetime license for StepShot guides (via Appsumo) and just tried to activate it on a new computer. I see that some people have been sent a private message with an activation code to get StepShot Guides to work offline again.
Can support please help me with this?
Please can you let me know how to access my purchase?
HI @jonlevy1
Welcome to community!
Have you looked into this thread?
Hi all, I use Stepshot occasionally and noticed the site is completely gone and comes up with an misconfigured server notification in Russian. All help links are broken and the product no longer works as a result.
UiPath acquired Stephot in 2019, but I can’t find any mention of the product on the website. What happened? Did they just buy it to torch it?
Very weird.
(Maciej Kuźmicz)
June 5, 2023, 3:32pm
For anyone looking for the StepShot offline license code, please refer to this topic:
We have seen some topics around accessing the StepShot legacy application in offline mode (some examples here and here ).
The previous process to receive the code was not structured, and I would like to make it simpler with this topic.
Thus, if you were previously a StepShot customer and you would like to receive an offline license, please follow these steps:
Step 1 - please fill in the following form .
Step 2 - after your information is verified, an offline license will be issued to your emai…