Access denied error with kill process

Hello community,
I keep getting this error while trying to perform a kill process operation, it basically says “Access denied” but in the images it´s in spanish. any clue?


Basically the issue occurs while running the process in debug mode

when you run the process in Run mode you will not face any issue

No, actually the error it also thrown with the process published in Orchestrator

lets assume you want to kill the chrome processes belonging to the bot (not from other scopes)


how is your kill process configured?

Hello @ppr
At the moment that property is empty

Kill Process tries to kill the process for all users on the machine unless you tell it otherwise, and generallly you need administrator permissions to kill processes for other users. This can be dangerous, as you could have other jobs running under other users and killing the process could interfere with those jobs.

Set the Applies To property to OnlyCurrentSession:


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