Access AWS S3 Bucket using Http Request (API)

Hi Guys,
I am trying to access a S3 bucket in aws instance of us-east region.
I am unable to read contents of the file from orchestrator even though i can see the file and bucket being connected.

Same file i am able to read through Postman.
Thus how can i pass in AWS Signature though UiPath for a API?

Hi @Agarwal_Piyush

Set up your AWS credentials in UiPath, you can do this by creating an AWSCredentials object with your access key and secret access key. You can store these credentials securely in UiPath’s Credential Manager.Once you have the AWS credentials, you need to generate the AWS signature for your API requests. You can use the AmazonS3Client class from the AWS SDK to generate the signature. With the AWS signature, you can now make API requests to read the contents of the file from the S3 bucket.
