About Microsoft Office 365 Scope, use envrionment china

The Microsoftoffice365.activities version is 2.1.1
When I setup the envrionment equals China, the error like below.

Azure china use graph endpoint like below, not https://graph.microsoft.com

Is it a bug? or just I missed something?


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Please tey verifying the inner exception and few troubleshooting steps here

  1. Verify the tenant id and app id
  2. If a multi tenant is created on your azureapp then did the admin provide consent to the required tenant?
  3. Check the created app for any issues with scope or etc as well


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Hi @Anil_G

Thanks your reply.

  1. Verify the tenant id and app id
    A: I have check, if I typed wrong tenant id, it will response other error.
  2. If a multi tenant is created on your azureapp then did the admin provide consent to the required tenant?
    A: Yes, I have checked.
  3. Check the created app for any issues with scope or etc as well
    A: with find files/folders activity, have the same error.
    I just guess that even I select ‘Environment’ equals ‘China’, the activity also send request to https://graph.microsoft.com


Sorry, maybe I have a mistake, please ignore this case.

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