Through some investigation and discussions with the Abbyy guys. I believe ONLY Uipath can sell us the runtime licenses. The developer license abbyy sells is for uipath to buy. uipath then integrates this with uipath. once done uipath then sells the run time license to users of uipath. Thats was how it was explained to me from the guys here. You generate runtime licenses from dev licenses.
Hi, were you able to manage it? My abby activities are throwing errors althogh I have installed Abby Flexi Capture and Fine reader. Can you suggest how to get it work?
you installed both the engine and standalone right? in that case you shouldn’t get any error. and also one more observation is i’m not sure whether you can use abbyy ocr activity inside ocr scope.
i am using abbyy flexicapture distributed trail version and created a template fcdot file and using that fcdot file in intelligent ocr activities in ocr scope…