When i copy and paste connected activities into a sequence or a new activity, the order changes.
If i just paste it into the body, not the sequence, it comes out in the right order.
Pleeeaaase help meeeee
What do you mean by connected ? Also, what difference do you make between the body and the sequence ? What are you pasting them into ?
It might be due to the fact that the body of certain activities (such as the if and the switch activities) is by default set for a single activity, and will create a sequence by itself should you add an additional element.
You might want to set them in a sequence before copying the sequence itself instead of the activities within.
Regards, Bastien
Firstly, connected means activities are connected in flowchart with an arrow.
Second, body means ‘out side the sequence.’
sequence l
if i wanna group several activities, i should copy all of them and paste them in to the new sequence.
Can you understand??
Ah, okay, I think I get it, though you would gain in clarity and time by using screenshots. Also, you can use ctrl + click to select several items at once, if you want to.
However, for your problem, you mean that you’re trying to put the activities outside of the squence they were initially in ? Would you mind sending a screenshot of the structure for ease of understanding ?
Order changes in a opposite way.
Alright, I have tried, and it’s the case for me as well. After a little bit of messing around, it seems that what is actually reversed is the order of selection. ie, if you want them to be pasted properly, all you need to do is to select them from bottom to top and they’ll be pasted in the right order.
I have no idea why that is though.
Regards, Bastien.
I checked it. I appreciate it.
Then i only have one problem.
Does every UIPATH system work like this?