2020年版本的“element exixts”在最新版本的uipath中是不是已经取消了?

最近在学习uipath ,但是教材中使用的uipath 是2020年版本的,2020年版本中的“element exists”这个活动在最新版本的uipath中没有找到,是不是最新版本已经取消了这个活动?如果现在已经没有这个活动了,可以用什么活动来替代“element exists”呢?求大神赐教,最近在学习过程中经常碰到这样的问题,2020年版本和最新版本区别较大,许多过去的活动现在已经发生了改变

Element Exists 是一个经典活动,您需要在过滤器选项中启用经典才能使用此活动

Hi @719932505

Element Exists is an Classic Activity you need to enable classic in filter options to use this activity.
Refer the below image:

Instead of that you can Check App State activity which is in modern experience.
Refer the below image:

Hope it helps!!

没有被取消, 如图所示点击"Show classic" 之后就能看到element exist

再请问一下,是否也可以用"check app state"来代替"on image appear"这个功能呢?

Hi @719932505

Yes you can use Check App State instead of On Image Appear.


Hi @719932505

There is element exist activity in UiPath studio now. Now in UiPath Studio there is modern design activities.

If you want the element exist activity, Open the activities panel → Click on filter symbol → Enable the classic option, then it will show the classic activities.
The element exist activity is belongs to classic activities.

With the same function of element exist activity there is an activity called Check app state activity in modern design activities.

Hope it helps!!