Element Exists Activity is missing

I want to use “Element Exists” activity, but that is missing totaly. Any suggestion?


Hey @laurentiu,

Kindly check whether you installed UiPath.UiAutomation.Activities package.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Yes, I have that installed

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Could you please share a screenshot with the version number please.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hey @laurentiu,

I guess you are using the latest activities package.

Find the activity - Check App State in the activities panel.

Thanks :slight_smile:


Thank you very much!
It was a huge help

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Thank you @Nithinkrishna that helped a lot

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For those who land on this thread and did not find a satisfactory answer, if you don’t have the Element Exists activity is likely to be project.json file configuration is set to modern Behaviour. Open the project.json file wtih a text editor (on the root of your project) and change the value of “modernBehavior” to false. Tested only on version 2020.10.06.


Its because of the project design experience set to Modern/Classic some activities wont be available. However, we can enable those from Avtivites->Options->Show Classic/Show Modern respectively.

Please go through below video for detailed steps.

UiPath Studio - Classic & Modern Design Experience


In activities section choose Clasic package. That shows old activities