2018 Studio with Edge extension?


I’m trying to migrate an existing workflow (2018 Studio) from IE to Edge, however I’m unable to find the Edge extension. Anyone done it before?

Please advise.

Thank you in advance

Hi @BreakFree

Please have a look


Hi @suraj.setty,

Thanks for the reply, I’ve actually gone through that previously, but unfortunately 2018’s studio is not applicable.

Thank you for your assistance

@BreakFree Is it possible to upgrade your studio? Then this issue might resolve

Hi @BreakFree

Can you please let us know the reason you need 2018 studio.

Please try with the latest studio.


@BreakFree It looks like the edge extension is not supported with 2018 studio and robot

Hi @ushu, thanks for the reply, unfortunately, that is still not possible at the moment.

Thank you

Yup, read that as well.

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